Solutions for the thermal management of electrical enclosures and industrial processes in different fields

Genius – Coralis - Aqus

Windows & door solutions for sun and insects’ protection, included speed reducers, spring adjustment devices and accessories

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Fandis is committed to operating on the market in an ethical and responsible manner, and asks stakeholders – meaning directors, supervisory bodies, managers, employees, other collaborators and business partners – to act accordingly and in compliance with:

  • The Fandis Code of Ethics
  • Laws and regulations
  • Measures issued by Public Authorities
  • Company procedures
  • “231 Models”, where present
  • Human rights

Fandis encourages all stakeholders to report any potential, highly probable or activity committed in breach of the principles mentioned here, which could cause damage to the company or to its image.

In this regard, Fandis has implemented a whistleblowing procedure to provide secure channels to guarantee the confidentiality of the reporter’s identity and of information contained in the disclosure.

Please note that these channels are not available for commercial complaints or disputes and requests related to personal interests.


Anyone can submit a disclosure, even anonymously: this includes employees, former employees, job applicants, partners, customers, suppliers, consultants, collaborators, members and, more generally, anyone who has a legitimate interest in the business activities of Fandis.

The disclosure must be adequately substantiated, i.e. it must contain sufficient details to make it possible to ascertain the disclosed facts (e.g., elements for identifying the persons involved, the background, place and time of the facts reported as well as supporting documentation).


The Whistleblowing Portal guarantees the confidentiality of the reporting person's identity through the use of secure protocols and encryption tools. At the end of the entry, the portal will provide a Unique Identification Code allows the whistleblower to monitor the processing status and to send and receive communications (also anonymously);

Disclosures can also be made by sending a confidential and personal letter by ordinary mail, in the manner described in the whistleblowing procedure to the Supervisory Committee of the Fandis, at the company’s registered office.
The Supervisory Committee can also receive verbal disclosures.

How are disclosures handled?
Disclosures are received by the designated body called the Fandis “Supervisory Committee”, which takes charge of the investigation.

Within 7 days of receipt, the reporting person will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the disclosure. Feedback will be given on the action taken or to be taken concerning the disclosure and within 3 months of this acknowledgement.

Guarantee of confidentiality and protection

Legislative Decree 24 of 10 March 2023 (transposing European Directive 2019/1937 on whistleblowing) introduced a uniform regulation of whistleblowing channels and the protections afforded to whistleblowers in the public and private sectors.

Absolute confidentiality are guaranteed to the reporting person, the facilitator and the people involved in the reporting process. In the case of anonymous disclosures, it is not possible to trace the identity of the reporting person.

No form of personal or professional retaliation is permitted or tolerated on account of the disclosure made.

All processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the data protection legislation. For more information, see:


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Nuovo catalogo digitale
Più funzionalità e interazione

Nuovo catalogo digitale

La nuova versione del catalogo offre dei contenuti digitali extra: sfogliandolo online si potrà infatti avere un maggiore livello di dettaglio. Con un solo click sul codice articolo si accederà direttamente alla scheda prodotto per un approfondimento tecnico. 

Nuovo torrino serie TP in CC
Sistema di ventilazione da tetto

Nuovo torrino serie TP in CC

Fandis ha sviluppato una nuova soluzione di ventilazione da tetto a risparmio energetico, ampliando la gamma di torrini plastici con modelli alimentati in corrente continua a 24 e 48V. Visita la sezione dedicata per maggiori informazioni.